Project Lead The Way
PLTW Launch is a program currently implemented in 4th grade at West Fork Elementary. Additions to our elementary Launch program are coming for the 2023-2024 school year.
Arkansas Science Standards
The West Fork School District teachers create science content that follows the Arkansas Science Standards.
Open SciEd is an online resource that offers activities and hands-on learning for students that are based in the tenets of the Next Generation Science Standards, integrated by the Arkansas Department of Education.
Mystery Science
Mystery Science combines digital media with hands-on activities to engage our West Fork Elementary learners in meaningful conversations and lessons about how the world works.
Illustrative Mathematics
Grade K-12 Core Instruction
“The IM Certified Experience helps teachers catalyze mathematical proficiency with an engaging and inclusive approach that lifts students up to the skills, understandings, and practices that will stay with them for a lifetime.”
Bridges In Mathematics
Grades K-4 Math Intervention
Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive PK–5 curriculum that equips teachers to fully address state standards in a rigorous, engaging, and accessible manner. Students gain a deep understanding of concepts, proficiency with key skills, and the ability to solve complex problems. The curriculum is composed of three distinct but integrated components: Problems & Investigations, Work Places and Number Corner.
Benchmark Workshop
Grades K-5 Core Instruction
S.P.I.R.E. with Sounds Sensible
Grades K-12 Reading and Dyslexia Intervention
S.P.I.R.E. reaches even students who’ve lost hope they can read. Its teacher-led 10-Step Lesson plan methodically walks them through phonemic awareness and phonics, then spelling, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency — instilling and reinforcing every stage of reading development.
Phonics First by Brainspring
Grades K-8 Reading Intervention
Brainspring Learning Centers help students of all ages and skill levels become masters of learning with effective, fun, multisensory lessons.
Conscious Discipline
Conscious Discipline is a method of providing social emotional learning for students. This method of interacting with students creates a compassionate classroom and school environment. It allows adults to understand student behavior through the Brain State Model. Adults are empowered to respond to each child’s individual needs with wisdom. This approach is proven to increase self-regulation, sense of safety, connection, empathy and intrinsic motivation in both children and adults. In August of 2022, all Kindergarten through 8th grade teachers and staff received Conscious Discipline training.
Character Strong
CharacterStrong is backed by three levels of evidence supporting social-emotional learning and character education curricula: (1) Randomized controlled studies, (2) Practice-based evidence, and (3) Common elements of evidence-based practice. There is defensible evidence suggesting that CharacterStrong curricula is feasible for teachers to implement, developmentally and culturally appropriate, and grounded in research around effective SEL content and practices that are likely to lead to important student outcomes of interest when delivered with fidelity. On our campus, this curriculum is delivered every Monday during the mentoring period.
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
West Fork Elementary provides positive behavioral expectations among students through the acronym P.A.W.S. The traits include being Prepared for Success, Acting Responsibly, Working Together, and Staying Safe. These expectations are applied in all areas of the school, including the hallways, classrooms, cafetorium, and more. Students are recognized daily and weekly for demonstrating these traits as a way of encouraging positive behavior. These traits help to provide a positive learning environment for all students.