English for Speakers of Other Languages – West Fork Schools

Mission Statement

The primary philosophy of the West Fork School District’s ESOL program is to take into consideration the individual differences of our families and to implement a program that will benefit and improve education for each child who enters school regardless of their English proficiency and/or cultural backgrounds and perspectives. All students will have equal opportunities to participate fully in the education system through appropriate communication with parents and/or guardians. Letters and other information sent home will be in a language or form the parents and/or guardians understand. Other issues related to the educational needs of an increasingly diverse student population will be addressed in a timely and proactive manner.

Furthermore, West Fork School District will provide a balanced ESOL program that will prepare English Language Learners (ELLs) to function in both the academic and social arenas. Our goal is to have students succeed in the content areas while learning academic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Also, we want students to maintain their own culture while learning to live and participate in their new community (biculturalism). All teachers and staff of ELL students will be provided with information and training to enhance the role of each in this process.

Doreen Wallace
ESOL Coordinator